Menopause. Schmenopause.

Menopause.  Schmenopause.
Hang on for the ride of your life.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I just learned that women experiencing chemotherapy can sometimes be sent into and feel the symptoms of menopause.  I did not know that.  Check  If you know someone going through this and could use some cheering, it was suggested to me that my book would be a great gift for them.   So to all of you breast cancer survivors who probably experienced this, hip hip hooray for surviving it.  And thank you to God and the Universe, I have been lucky not to experience chemotherapy. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Today is Oct. 4th, and I'm driving around in my car with the windows down and roof open.  I'm wearing a tee and jeans, no jacket and I am very warm.  I keep hoping for cooler days and never thought I would say that.  I always loved a hot summer day.  NO more.  I'm just too warm.  
WARM is a 4 letter word now.  Good Grief.